Representative Director
Kenichi Sawazaki
Born in 1987, based in Kyoto/Kochi in Japan. He is a Japanese contemporary artist and a film director, and earned his PhD in Concept and Media Planning, Kyoto City University of Arts. Also, he is the representative director of “Living Montage” which is a platform for the interdisciplinary use of visual media. In Europe, Asia and Africa, he accompanies researchers such as anthropologists and agronomists on their field research, exploring ways of using video and photographic media to create new discoveries in relation to others.
One of his most recent works is the multilayered documentary film #manazashi (124 min, 2021, Selected for the Feature Length Competition of the Tokyo Documentary Film Festival), Pero FUKUDA / Kenichi SAWAZAKI / Sangsun BAE Images don‘t or do they? Talk to each other (Tosei Kyoto Gallery, 2021, KYOTOGRAPHIE KG+ Official Program) and the documentary film The Garden in Movement (85min, 2016, Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2016 Premiere Screening) etc.
Personal Website
Ueru Tanaka
Born in 1960. Professor of Setsunan University(Department of Agri-Food Business) as well as Professor Emeritus of Hue University, Vietnam. PhD (Agriculture), Kyoto University. He specialises in environmental agriculture, soil science and regional development theory. His research seeks to create technologies and livelihoods from indigenous knowledge in Africa and Asia that enable both people’s livelihoods and the conservation of resources and the ecological environment, and to explore new development paradigms that enable ‘both people and nature’. He received the 25th Nikkei Global Environmental Technology Award(2015), the 41st Hitachi Environmental Foundation Award(Minister of the Environment Award, 2014) etc.
Researchers involved in the project
Shun Ishiyama
Born in 1965. 専門は文化人類学。国立民族学博物館 プロジェクト研究員。東京農業大学農学部畜産学科卒業(1990年)、NGO「緑のサヘル」チャド共和国砂漠化防止プロジェクト現地駐在員(1993‐1997年)、静岡大学大学院人文社会科学研究科修士課程修了(2000年)、名古屋大学大学院文学研究科博士後期課程満期退学(2006年)、NPO法人森のエネルギーフォーラム事務局長(2005‐2008年)、市民活動中間支援組織「NPOえちぜん」事務局次長(2008年)等を経て2017年より現職。
Emmanuel Marès
Born in 1978. Ph.D in Japanese architecture history. Associate professor of Kyoto Sangyo University. He is currently pursuing his researchs in history of Japanese gardens. Working also for the development of French-Japanese cultural exchanges, he organised Gilles Clément’s visit to Japan in February 2015. As an editor, he published The Great Masters of Gardens of Kyoto, a series of bilingual books (Japanese/English). Co-author of the Vocabulaire de la spatialité japonaise, CNRS éditions (French Architecture Academy Award).
The Garden in Movement
Takao Shimizu
Born in 1974. Associate professor of Kyoto Seika University(Faculty of Global Culture) as well as Visiting Associate Professor of the Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. Started going to Africa as a university student. He eats all over Africa and Japan, using his rugby-trained stomach as a weapon. He is more of a gourmand than a gourmet. His love of food has led him to write a book, Guidebook as an Swallow up! Burkina Faso! : An Anthropological Guidebook of West African Gastronomy (Airi Shuppan, 2019). He was really specialising in something different, but before long he was treated like a researcher of food culture, and he has somehow started to recognise this.
Rika Shinkai
Born in 1966. 総合地球環境学研究所・プロジェクト研究員。専門は考古学(動物考古学)・民族学。慶応義塾大学後期博士課程単位取得退学。子育て等で、約20年弱、研究の世界から離れていたが、2014年から復帰。奈良文化財研究所環境考古学研究室・技術補佐員、総合地球環境学研究所・プロジェクト研究員を経て現在に至る。
「古座川の伝統養蜂 - 和歌山県古座川流域のニホンミツバチ養蜂」
Masashi Suda
専門は人類学。一般財団法人 地球・人間環境フォーラム プロジェクト研究員。名古屋大学博士後期課程満期退学、花祭りおよびタンザニア研究。タンザニア北東部ルショト地域での呪物とモノの境界上で利用されるひょうたんの調査を行っている。
Masahiro Terada
総合地球環境学研究所 客員准教授。専門は歴史学、記憶表現論。メタヒストリーの立場から歴史と記憶の関係や、歴史という人間中心の概念が環境という非‐人間を扱う概念とどう関係するかを研究している。主な著作に寺田匡宏著『人は火山に何を見るのか―環境と記憶/歴史(地球研叢書)』(昭和堂、2015年)。
Yutaka Mimura
Hidetoshi Miyazaki
1975年生まれ。一般財団法人地球・人間環境フォーラム 研究推進ユニット 研究官。専門は境界農学、環境土壌学。京都大学大学院農学研究科博士後期課程単位取得退学(2007年)。
Artist/Designer involved in the project
Aki Suzuki
Masae Kariya
Sangsun Bae
Michael Whittle